Best Products for Sex After Cancer

During our first Sexual Health After Cancer Workshop at Rehab Specialists Physical Therapy Treatment Center, I gathered with an intimate group of women to talk about sexuality, sex after cancer treatment, and hold space while exploring sexual health from a mind-body approach. I recommended several products that are specifically aimed to aid women and their [...]

Best Products for Sex After Cancer2024-04-04T19:20:56+00:00

Genitourinary Syndrome of Menopause

The decrease of estrogen levels and other sex steroid hormones can happen naturally with menopause or can be forced medically for several reasons. The lack of estrogen can lead to some changes in certain areas of the body, like the bladder, vulva and vagina. When some people hear the word menopause, they think of age, [...]

Genitourinary Syndrome of Menopause2024-04-04T19:20:56+00:00

Vaginal Dryness: Why does it happen and what can you do about it? 

Vaginal Lubrication Vaginal dryness is a problem that women can experience at any age. Some studies show that 50 percent of women suffer from a lack of vaginal lubrication and this condition is not limited to menopausal, perimenopausal or post-menopausal women. The good news is you’re not alone and this condition is treatable. The lack [...]

Vaginal Dryness: Why does it happen and what can you do about it? 2024-04-04T19:20:56+00:00

Some Great Information On CBD

Hailed as a miracle product, it has been used to treat conditions such as chronic pain, anxiety, nausea, rheumatoid and psoriatic arthritis, schizophrenia diabetes, PTSD, alcoholism, strokes and cardiovascular diseases, to name a few (Better Living Web, 2018). Keep an eye out, as we are working hard here at Hip Hemp to bring you a [...]

Some Great Information On CBD2024-04-04T19:20:57+00:00

We are out and about today

Come visit us in Gladstone Oregon at the Town and Country Honda Dealearship. We have some great specials going on.  Over 60 vendors  to check out!

We are out and about today2024-04-04T19:20:57+00:00

Only a few days left!

This special will be gone in just a few days.  If you have not tried our intimate massage oils, now is the time!

Only a few days left!2024-04-04T19:20:57+00:00

How Cannabis Can Help Stimulate Cannabinoid Receptors.

Why do so many people believe that cannabis and cannabinoids are bad for you and only open the door for other addictions? That is what we have been taught for many years, but that is not exactly accurate. Cannabinoid receptors, when not suppressed, can help fight off inflammation, help with sleep, pleasure, cognition, appetite and [...]

How Cannabis Can Help Stimulate Cannabinoid Receptors.2024-04-04T19:20:57+00:00

Great News! But a long way to go.

The Senate Farm Bill passed, which is great news but we have a long ways to go.  A House/Senate conference committee will be meeting soon to resolve the differences between the Senate Farm Bill and the House Farm Bill.  The House Farm Bill includes no hemp language. The below website will take you to a [...]

Great News! But a long way to go.2024-04-04T19:20:57+00:00

We are heading in the right direction!

Yesterday The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved GW Pharmaceutical’s Epidiolex, cannabidiol (CBD) oral solution for the treatment of seizures associated with two forms of epilepsy. CBD does not get you high, although it comes from the same plant as THC, the genetic makeup of CBD is not psychoactive. We need congress to pass the [...]

We are heading in the right direction!2019-12-30T00:11:32+00:00

What do you think when you hear the word “Hemp”?

Since attending conventions and promotional events we have learned that many people do not know the difference between Hemp Seed Oil, CBD or THC. It was educational to watch spectators walk by and say out loud “Hip Hemp? I don’t use hemp.” Or the complete opposite reaction occurs. They want to get high from our [...]

What do you think when you hear the word “Hemp”?2019-12-30T00:11:32+00:00


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