Armchair Chats: Caring for our mental and physical health.

On this episode of Armchair Chats, we discuss the importance of maintaining our mental and physical well-being, especially during a global pandemic. Angela Duncan and Dante Haruna team up to share their personal experiences and insight on this topic.

Armchair Chats: Caring for our mental and physical health.2024-04-04T19:20:54+00:00

Vaginal Dryness Webinar

Thank you to those who made it on the webinar last night. Vaginal dryness is very common 60% of menopausal women will experience vaginal dryness. I will have a support group scheduled next month. Keep an eye out in your email to join us!

Vaginal Dryness Webinar2024-04-04T19:20:55+00:00


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